Boo! Is it really October already?! It's that time of the year again when the air gets crisper, the days shorter, and our mood a tad spicier. Fall is ready and waiting around the corner, but so is the real scary season: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Ack! But fear not, I've got some laid-back tips to help you prepare to fight off the blues.
Make plans
Sure, Netflix and chill while hibernating under a cozy blanket is tempting, but can lead to feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. Make plans for things you can look forward to. Laughter and good company can be the best medicine for seasonal blues.
Get a SAD light
When the sun starts playing hide-and-seek, it can mess with your groove. Enter the SAD light, your secret weapon against the gloom. These magical lamps mimic sunlight and help you stay on track. Flip one on 20-30 minutes a day while you’re clacking away on your computer for your daily dose of simulated sunshine.
Notice I didn’t say “exercise”? Move your body in whatever way feels good to you, dance, yoga, stretch, walk, wiggle, shake. Rake up a leaf pile and jump in. Think of “movement” as the goal instead of calories burned.
Embrace the Cozy
Some days, when you’re feeling the winter blues, just getting out of bed feels like a chore. When all else fails, give yourself permission to be gentle with your body and your feelings. My hibernation feel-goods include dressing down in my onesie, curling up in bed with my heating pad, closing the curtains, lighting a candle and reading. What are some of yours??